It's about time
The Today Show is hosted by Oliver Needham and broadcast on PCR FM from Peterborough.
Join us, as we play the songs of the moment.
For the specific day of the year, day of the week or the hour of our lives, we have a track for you.
Every week there's the Hymn for the Weekend, a look at the local news and we dive into the New Music Friday basket to find a fresh future hit. Plus expect many puns and a tedious link or two!
Listen Again
An archive of previous shows are kept, complete with what topics were covered, over on the 'Audio by Oliver Needham' archive.
Listen to previous showsContact the Show
Do you have a special day coming up that you'd like featured on the show, or have a suggestion for our Showstopper track? Pop us an email!
Interested in having The Today Show on your station or have a general enquiry? Feel free to send us a message.
Email: oliver@todayshow.ukAbout the Host

Oliver Needham has worked in radio since the age of 12, starting at Spalding's Tulip Radio.
Since then he has presented on community radio in Stoke-on-Trent and at events in Lincoln for Poacher International Jamboree and ONE Event.
Oliver is now back in the city where he studied media production and is presenting on Peterborough's community station.
Find Oliver on social mediaFormat created by Oliver Needham for Peterborough Community Radio
Imaging voiceover by Radio Jingles 24